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Building Markets for Specialty Canephora

Lecture Description

Building markets for broader embrace of Canehphora to suppliment specialty consumption is increasingly pertinant in the face of climate change, producing countires are readily identifying the need and benefits, but markets need to follow. Using quality perception intiatives and broadening the dimensions of what faciliates effective supply chain sustainability hold the key to opening markets for wider consumption and exposure to Canephoras immense potential and diversity.

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024
Time: 14:15 - 15:15
Lecture Room 1

This lecture is free to attend with a World of Coffee entry badge. Register to attend World of Coffee Copenhagen here.

Lecturers / Presenters

Nick Mabey (he/him)
Chief Operating Officer, Assembly Coffee and Volcano Coffee Works

Originally from New Zealand, Nick has been based in the UK since 2012, founder of Assembly Coffee and Director at Full Steam Espresso Ltd Nick is invloved in numerous development projects specailising in supply chain development from the DRC, Myanmar and Brazil among others.

Fabiana Carvalho, PhD (she/her)
Researcher, University of Campinas, Brazil

Fabiana Carvalho is a Brazilian neuroscientist who received her MSc in Biochemistry and her PhD in Psychobiology studying neural processes of perception and memory. She has also worked as a postdoctoral researcher on a project investigating sensory perception as an anticipatory and constructive process instead of a mere passive and reactive process.

She is currently a collaborating researcher at the University of Campinas, Brazil. Her research project “The Coffee Sensorium” is focused on understanding multisensory flavour perception and how it impacts the coffee drinking experience. She has published several scientific articles showing the effect of coffee cups and packaging on sensory and hedonic judgements of specialty coffee. This research project has several collaborators such as the SCA (Coffee Science Foundation) and Prof Charles Spence (University of Oxford, UK).

In addition, “The Coffee Sensorium” is also participating in the development of the Canephora Flavour Wheel as a descriptive tool for conilon and robusta coffees. This project is being conducted together with Prof Lucas Louzada (IFES, Brazil) and Dr Enrique Alves (Embrapa RO, Brazil).

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